Mifflin County Elementary Band Webpage
Jessica Poorman
Elementary Band Director
Lewistown Intermediate School (LIS)
Indian Valley Elementary (IV)
(Click on the links below to hear a recording of each song.)
(Click on the links below to hear a recording of each song.)
(Click on the link below to hear a recording of the song.)
Band Documents
Click on the following link to access this helpful document
Band Instructional Videos
Click on the following links to access helpful instructional videos
Metronome- Use this to keep a steady beat while practicing at home!
Do, Re, Mi (Song to get familiar with the Concert Scale)
Note Names on Treble and Bass Clef Video
Rhythms- Whole, Half, and Quarter Notes Video
Rhythms- Eighth and Sixteenth Notes Video
Band Lesson Book
Instructions for Creating an Account for the Band Lesson Book